
Hello Everyone,

Welcome to my new blog! I've been encouraged to start a blog about my photography, life advice, pinterest crafts, and my cooking adventures for quite some time now and I have no decided to take the plunge. Let's see how long I can keep it up. 

A little background just about the cooking- I have been a baker since high school. I had previously only baked cakes. My sophomore year in high school, I averaged about 3 cakes a month for my friends palate pleasure.

My father is an patent examiner and so I've always had a knack for cooking because I am intrinsically drawn to why things are they way they are. So what else is more interesting than the food we eat? My parents immigrated to the states, after the fall of Saigon  in search of a better life for their future family. They made every sacrifice and effort to educate themselves and made sure to provide a comfortable lifestyle for my brother and myself. My mother did not pass on any cooking knowledge or super awesome family recipes from our ancestors. My parents wanted me highly educated to the extent that I would make a living where I would spend most of my money eating out. Don't get me wrong, that is a great aspiration and tribute to my parents, when I do achieve that level of success in the future. And I will get there one day, being the dutiful Asian daughter that I am. 

In my journey of self discovery, cultural respect and the preservation of tradition, I sought to teach myself. Though, I've always had the cooking itch, in all honesty, I only dabbled in it once in a while to sooth my curiosity and boredom. It wasn't until I met my Ex-boyfriend, that I really dove into a cooking frenzy. We rarely ate out during our relationship, given that on our 3rd date he cooked me dinner and from then on almost  every meal we ate was one I cooked for us at his house. He liked to eat and I liked to cook. I found my very own adorable guinea pig to test my recipes and skills on. I think every girl gets to a point where the light bulb goes off and realizes..."He's the type of guy, I'd make a sandwich for." when they meet a guy worth putting in effort for....Then in an unpredictable turn of events our relationship ended and I still found myself turning to cooking as a distraction and stress reliever. I find refuge in either cooking or cleaning like a maniac, when I am over analyzing. It's a great emotional outlet. Though, I wish I still had my guinea pig, family and friends have bravely stepped up and taken on the taste testing role. I love to cook and cook the most for the ones I love the most. 

So in this blog, I'll list recipes and pictures of my triumphant and failed attempts at cooking. Hope you all enjoy this delicious journey we are embarking on. 




PS- Sooner or later there will be more than just intsagram photos. I'll break out the Nikon soon LOL

PPS- Yes, someone is bound to point out that I mention the Ex in this but you should know by now, that I'll always be open and honest about my life. 

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